The 8th Mmino Wa Clap N Tap Awards #Emoyeni nominations are now open

Nomination forms submission and or SMS line

Open Monday 15th August 2022 06H00
Close Sunday 4th September 2022 11H50

Each SMS’s cost R2 and the process shall use the completion of nomination form and the sms line 40439,
the code will be MWCNTA (Space) Category & Choir or candidate name to 40439
i.e MWCNTA school Mapetla High to 40439.

For nominations forms and any clarity seeking please do not hesitate to contact us

  • Call us
    083 827 4924
    Ms Kedi 078 771 8348
    Mr Vuyo 074 633 3311
  • Email us
  • Message us on Facebook
    Mmino Wa Clap N Tap Award ZA